Wednesday, 3 January 2018

Damn!!! 38,000 illegal immigrants given quick notice from Israel.

The government of Israeli has issued a notice for thousands of African migrants to leave the country or face imprisonment. Not only that, according to British Broadcasting co-operation, each immigrant would be given up to $3500 to leave their country before 90days.
The report said the migrants would have the option of going to their home country or third countries, but that if they refused to leave, the Israeli authorities would have them thrown in jail starting from April 2018. The Israeli government said the return of the migrants would be humane and voluntary even though the UN refugee agency said the plan violated international and Israeli laws. It was learnt that a spokesperson for Israel's Population and Immigration Authority revealed that the country currently has 38,000 migrants believed to have entered illegally and out of this number, 1,420 are being held in detention facilities.
The report said many of the migrants, especially from Eritrea and Sudan, say they are in the country to seek asylum after fleeing persecution and conflict, but Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu believes that if unchecked, the influx of African migrants could threaten Israel's Jewish character.
To this quick notice, there are exemptions; children, elderly people, and victims of slavery and human trafficking.
Question should be ask: why do Africans flee their country? Apart from war and persecution from other religions, individuals who leave their countries (African countries) to other (European countries) illegally, most times don’t get much of their problem solve.
With this, I think is time for illegal immigrant to reconsider their options before departing their country. African leaders, should team up to put an end to this menace.
Culled from:
Arira joseph, Co-editor VerdTalks.

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Wasim Ahmad


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